Darby Holm Artist Showcase
We love heady glass here at Shell Shock! Darby Holm is definitely one of our favourite glass artists. Many of the staff are lucky enough to own a piece or two by this talented glass blower.

Since starting his glass blowing career in 1996, following in his younger brother Carsten Carlile’s footsteps, Darby Holm has become one of the best in his field and is highly respected among his fellow glass blowers. He is well known for his desert inspired pieces, custom cactus colour, and his wildly popular ray guns, which can range from 8 inches up to an astonishing 2 ½ feet. Even Snoop Dogg owns a Darby Holm Ray Gun!
Check out these wicked pieces we have in our shops!
This ray gun-esque beaker features out of this world dichro and a beautiful swirl technique in that marble!

This beautiful ray gun comes with it’s own stand and features Darby’s signature cactus colour on the showerhead perc and along the mouthpiece.
This awesome signed piece made in 2013. Ruby red with slyme green accents. Features a built in three hole stem. The horns/spikes have a hint of dichro and are so satisfyingly symmetrical!
Darby names his family as one of his biggest inspirations, but they also draw inspiration from him. All three of Darby’s sons picked up glass blowing and the oldest, Caleb aka Shurlok Holm, is making his own mark in the glass blowing world. He’s well known for his heady teddies, which are adorable, cuddly looking bear shaped dab rigs. We’ve got a couple teddies, and one Jake the dog pendant by Shurlok Holm at our shops.
When it comes to collaborations with well known artists, Darby’s list is extensive. He’s worked with Buck, Joe Peters, Elbo, Peter Muller, Hoobs, Matt Robertson, just to name a few.

Clockwise from left, collab pieces with Mike Luna, Peter Mulller, Elbo
We’ve still got a few of Smoked Vol. 1 left at our shops. If you love looking at heady glass art, then this book is for you! See page 98 to see Darby’s interview.
Check out Darby’s work in store at any of Shell Shock’s three locations or from home at shellshock420.com or on Darby’s instagram @darbyholmglass also if you love dogs you should see their pup Chewy ... he also has an instagram so follow him too @chewyholm.
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